Mox /mäks/

1. Abbreviation for moxie: energy and pep, or courage and determination.
2. Rare artifacts in Magic: the Gathering, among the most powerful in the game.
3. Atypical acronym for Mixture Of eXperts, an ML technique which divides an input between smaller "expert" models.
4. An upcoming coworking & events space in San Francisco.

A gathering place for

  • Startups on the cutting edge
  • EAs and others seeking to improve the world
  • AI and AI safety labs
  • Indie researchers and builders

About the space

Located in the heart of SF at 1680 Mission Street; formerly the home of Solaris AI

Opening Feb 2025

Looking for a mission-driven space to work from? We offer coworking desks, private offices, and event space.

Join the waitlist
Limited spots available. Priority given to teams and individuals aligned with our community values.